Passion makes a learning fun and a lot easier when you ask a student what their goals are,
almost everyone says “improve my communication”.When learning a English language,you will
find yourself talking with taxi drivers,your landlord,your friends,your family,your classmates,
so it’s vital that you are comfortable.Just like improving your writing skills,listening and any other skills,
there are techniques you can used to improve your Spoken English.
I’m telling you some of the techniques which help you to improve your communication.
1. Speak,speak,speak
There is no magic pill that you eat and start speaking in english. The best way to speak better
is to, well-speak.Firstly,commit yourself practice on daily basis,talk with different different people
as possible.Take advantage of the thousands of native speakers in your immediate
community,such as your friends,their families,your families.your co-wrokers,classmates,employees
at the cofee shops,supermarkate,banks,post-office,trains,buses and other places you visit.Increase
your practice time by meeting your classmates after class finding an language exchange partner.
2. Reflect on your conversations.
After your conversation is over, take a moment to reflect.Ask yourself-
(a)How did it go ?
(b)How much do you think you understood ?
(c)How comfortable did you feel with that subject matter ?
(d)Did you encounter any unkown words ?
When you act of thinking about it in this way will increase your confidence the next time you speak
and give you targeted things to work on.
3. Listen and Read
In order to talk ,you need words right ? Class time is great for learning vocabulary,but
there are other ways you can increase,watch movies,listen music,radio,read books,magzines and blogs.
When Listening and reading find new and interesting expressions,slang terms,synonyms,write down
the new thing,and look up everything you are not familier with.
4. Prepare Cheat Sheets
Part of nervousness around speaking is the feeling of not knowing what to say.
Research vocabulary relating to your condition and some common phrases you will
probably need.Use this technique before going to restaurant ,eating at restaurant,paying
bills,job interviews,making complaint.
5. Record your Voice.
6. Having fun
To learn anything,learn the things with fun.